SEO presentation to franchise client

Peter Davies and Nigel Stevenson SEO presentation in Canterbury
GoTopSEO directors Peter Davies and Nigel Stevenson attended the annual Seniors Helping Seniors conference at Canterbury Cathedral’s Lodge facilities. With a one hour window the team completed a 30 minute slide show and a Q and As session.

Peter Davies taking question at SEO conference in Canterbury
Attending were franchise owners of the Seniors Helping Seniors care service which are growing in number across South East England. With 3 Seniors Helping Seniors businesses already using GoTopSEO Google campaign management services there was already some confidence in the room but every area is different, a point raised by John from Brighton who has just joined.
With Peter covering the technical aspects of SEO and Nigel with his web design experience outlining the Google and web page influences, questions came from all in attendance.
Organiser Sally Wise and husband Christian are actively promoting Seniors Helping Seniors and with our help, growing their web presence daily